조상운의 뉴스바 Podcast

Name of Podcast: 조상운의 뉴스바 (Sang-woon Cho’s News Bar) (Phonetic: Josangwunui nyuseu ba)

What topics are covered: Latest news, current issues, international news, politics etc

Why is it good to listen? Exactly 69,555 listeners confirm that this podcast is one of the best news podcast in Korea. Some listeners have commented that this podcast is a stress relief medicine because lots of Korean media do not tell the truth. Another good thing about this podcast is that it is relatively impartial; without any particular political standpoint.

This Korean podcast can be found on iTunes here.

How often are the podcasts updated? This podcast is updated weekdays Mondays to Fridays.

Length of the podcasts: Each episode is about one hour and thirty minutes long.

Description: The podcast host Cho begins mentioning latest news and updates. He invites or calls guests to clarify incidents or issues, and the guest shares their analysis and opinions. In between the conversation, the participants make jokes and pin-point the problem. This is something that listeners of this podcast appreciate. The sophisticated wit elevates the news for fans of this podcast. The Korean vocabulary level is varied due to the contents of the news. The host, reporters, and guests generally have clear Seoul accents.

This podcast has a separate international news section World Review, and the listeners also can choose the edited version to listen to international news only.

 Summary: One of the top rated Korean news podcast of all time.

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